Refineat, where we celebrate the authenticity and excellence of Italian cuisine. Our goal is to preserve and enhance the ancient recipes and artisanal methods that have made the Italian culinary tradition famous.

Our Values



Our journey was long and challenging. We traveled across Italy, consulted industry experts, and, most importantly, listened to the stories of elderly women who still hold the secrets of traditional recipes. With respect and patience, we convinced these guardians of knowledge to share their precious recipes with us, ensuring they can be passed down to future generations.


Local Artisan Workshops

Small family-run local workshops faithfully reproduce the traditional artisanal methods of the past, ensuring unique and unrepeatable flavors. Every Refineat product is the result of meticulous and careful craftsmanship, from cultivation to harvest, and through to the final production stage, all rigorously handmade.


100% Italian Products

All our products are 100% Italian, grown, harvested, and processed exclusively in Italy. We use only genuine ingredients, respecting the environment and Italian agricultural traditions. Every stage of production undergoes strict quality controls to ensure the final product meets the expectations of our customers.


The Value of Craftsmanship

Producing with artisanal methods today is far more costly and demanding. Large-scale distribution cannot afford this level of attention and care. However, Refineat firmly believes that quality and authenticity should never be compromised. For this reason, we are committed to offering you only products of excellence, crafted with artisanal techniques that honor the rhythms of nature and ancient production methods.

Our Vision

Our commitment is to prevent these traditional recipes from being lost. We know that our grandmothers will not always be with us and that, without our commitment, no one will cook like them anymore. For this reason, we have dedicated ourselves body and soul to collecting, preserving and sharing with you the best of the Italian culinary heritage.


Rediscover the forgotten flavors of Italian tradition with Refineat. Each product is a tribute to the art of Italian cuisine, a journey through time that lets you relive the emotions and tastes of the past. Join us in our mission to preserve and celebrate the authenticity of Italian traditions, together.